- June 19, 2017
- Posted by: SportsV
- Categories: Associations, Directory

The Centre for Access to Football in Europe (CAFE) is working within football to promote wider access and inclusion for disabled people. Providing advice and guidance on stadium / venue accessible facilities and services, working with key stakeholders to empower disabled fans and promoting the employment of disabled people within the football industry.
CAFE works across UEFA’s 55 member national associations, covering the European geographical area, as well as other UEFA member national associations, such as Israel and Kazakhstan.
CAFE was founded in 2009 as the recipient of the UEFA Monaco Prize and is now a Football Social Responsibility associate partner of UEFA. We support UEFA and its national associations to provide an accessible matchday experience for disabled spectators.
In 2011, UEFA and CAFE published the joint Good Practice Guide to Creating an Accessible Stadium and Matchday Experience “Access for All” which provides a benchmark of accessibility at a sports venue and indicates minimum numbers of accessible seating provisions required, in line with European regulations. The Guide is available to download in 14 languages.
Using the unique power of football, CAFE seeks to ensure wider access and inclusion for disabled people within society, including the employment of disabled people. We work with a number of key stakeholders including UEFA and FIFA, national football associations, leagues, clubs, disabled fans and fans groups to work towards a game that is accessible, inclusive and welcoming for all.

CAFE was named as the official charity of UEFA EURO 2012 in Poland and Ukraine and delivered the UEFA Respect Inclusion project, which led to a greater number of disabled fans being able to attend live matches in both host nations, and improved awareness around disability and inclusion.
CAFE also delivered the UEFA EURO 2016 Respect Access for All project in France, which included training young media students to provide audio-descriptive commentary for partially sighted and blind football fans at each match of the tournament. A similar initiative was delivered in Brazil around the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

Full company name: Centre for Access to Football in Europe (CAFE)
Contact person: Joanna Deagle
Address: CAFE, 1 Olympic Way, Wembley, London, HA9 0NP, UK
Email: info@cafefootball.eu
Tel: +44 (0)20 8621 2405
Web/URL: www.cafefootball.eu

Disabled people constitute the largest minority in any population, with over one-billion disabled people alive today. This figure continues to rise, and it is estimated that up to 50% of disabled people have never attended a live public or sporting event.
CAFE works to ensure that disabled people can take their rightful place in football – the world’s most popular game – as spectators, players, volunteers, coaches, administrators, leaders and as decision makers.
Total Football Total Access.
Main image, top: Young disabled fan and German player, Steffi Jones